Monday, November 28, 2022

Jesus's Literacy narrative

                    Writing And Reading Into My World 

In 2006 I was born in El Paso Texas, and my parents were from Juárez, Spanish became one of my native languages it took some time to really understand English in being able to write and read it through the time I enter school in the united states at the grade of 2nd grade, I enter being in this program called ESL (English as my second language) this program came to me till I was in 7th grade and I finally “graduated” of that program, and I had major or at least become really good and writing English. All went back to elementary school 2nd-grade year, my teacher was named Mrs. Mendoza she was a great fabulous teacher she stayed with my class till 4th grade, she knew my situation and I was very comfortable with her well she helped me with many thin, gs and overcome my fears of speaking English which was my main fear because I was just scared because of my Spanish accent and always thought about how people would react and how they would laugh about me because of my bad accent. But I set my mind to be stronger at a young age and overcome my fears and grow as a person, just make my family and parents happy and just go for my dreams.

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