Friday, November 25, 2022

All about Jesus

 hey , my name is Jesus Garcia I’m 16 years old I’m in an early college high school , my favorite subjects have always been anything related to science , my disliked subjects could be math reading because my thing has never been reading or any of the topics , also I love to do on my free time is go work out at the gym , watch Netflix or enjoy listening to my favorite artist and my to go I love is a Mexican artist named kenia os , she’s an influencer , singer , businesswoman , actress, and many more , I just love and support her to the best!

my experience with literature have always not been the best , since my elementary years I’ve struggled to like the subjects , it hasn’t really been my major to the point of feeling it for myself , but overall I’ll still do it for myself and to help m grades and classes , I do enjoy reading but only books that could caught my preference.

The major I'm pursuing is forensic pathology. My birthday is on August 26th. but my birthday means alot to me because august is a rainy season and I love rainy days so much and just feeling the cold breeze and the rain smell relaxes me alot .


Anyways My likes could be i love to hangout with my friends lately i haven't been able to hangout because of school and yea but usually i practically plan to hang out every weekend. Some of my dislikes would be that I don't like people chewing loudly in front of you or even eating next to your ear. Another thing I dislike is when people pretend to be liked by everyone they’re just really annoying people.

What I have like about my junior year so fasts it’s my classes they’re so chilling also I love how this year has been so fast I can’t believe in less than 5 months we’re gonna be moving to year 2023 in so short of time and the Christmas and many celebrations coming up. One of my favorite hobbies to do , it’s just to drive around with friends and hearing music , going to the gym , also I love watching Netflix my all time favorite show is stranger things , and my favorite movies my all time favorite is the warrens collection like, the conjuring , the Annabelle they’re all my favorite , I’ve can watch them everyday . I have 3 siblings , 2 brothers and a little sister they’re a little crazy , we’re always fighting . I have a pet. He's a puppy 3 months old , he’s a pug and his name is willy.

My least favorite subject is math , because it’s just way too complicated even though we use it in real life to solve any type of problems. My favorite subject is anything related to science. One of the things I am really interested in and have always been it’s about afterlife or after death knowing what happens after a person dies there’s many theories and some religious and some scientific but overall we don’t really know what

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